NOTICE OF NEW PHONE NUMBER: Caston School Corporation has a new phone number as of July 30, 2018. Our new number is: (574) 598-8000.
THE 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR begins for all students K-12 attending the Caston Schools on Wednesday, August 15, 2018. Classes for elementary students begin at 8:35 a.m. and end at 3:15 p.m. Jr.-Sr. High classes begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 3:20 p.m. All school buses will run on Wednesday, August 15th. Drivers plan their routes to arrive at school by 8:15 a.m.
ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS: Students enrolling in kindergarten must be five (5) years old and students enrolling in the first grade must be six (6) years old on or before August 1, 2018. Parents need to provide certification from a physician that their child has been properly immunized, and also need to present a valid birth certificate if these have not previously been provided to the school.
BOOK RENTAL FEES: Grades K – 2 will pay a flat rate of $120.00. Grades 3 – 5 will pay a flat rate of $135.00. Grades 6-12: Fees of $130.00 plus technology fees totaling $47. Additionally, there will be fees for some course materials and dual credits offered for high school courses based upon individual student schedules. The Instrumental Rental Fee is $25.00/semester. Rental fees are to be paid prior to the first day of school, and may be paid by check or using a debit/credit card via Harmony once fees are posted for your student.
BOOKSTORE: Parents of all students who do not pay full fees on-line prior to the start of the school year, are to report to the Bookstore beginning Monday, August 6th, through Wednesday, August 8th. Hours on Monday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Hours on Tuesday are noon – 6:30 p.m., and Wednesday are noon – 8:00 p.m.
CAFETERIA: Lunches will be served beginning Wednesday, August 15th. Breakfast is served each morning for students choosing to participate. The cost per student meal is as follows: Breakfast for all K-12 students is $2.00; Lunch for students in grades K-5 is $2.35; grades 6-12 is $2.55. Each student will establish a renewable lunch account for meal fees and is responsible for maintaining a positive balance in the account. Many families are eligible for free or reduced lunch fees based on the federal guidelines. Applications are available in both school offices during registration & on the school webpage. Please have your household’s application completed and turned in prior to the start of the school year if you qualify for federal assistance.
CASTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WILL HOLD IT’S ANNUAL “BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT” on August 14, 2018 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. All Elementary students & parents are encouraged to attend. Students may bring in their school supplies and leave them at their desks so they do not have to transport them to school the next day on the first day of school.
STUDENT ENROLLMENT: Parents of students in grades K-5 not enrolled electronically must report to Caston Elementary Office according to the schedule below. Parents will be provided a place to access a computer and will be assisted in updating all information and electronically submitting all needed paperwork for each student to start the school year.
New students in grades six (6) through twelve (l2) will enroll at the Jr.-Sr. High Guidance Office. Additionally, parents of students previously enrolled at Caston who did not complete the online registration will need to report according to the below schedule to complete all registration information prior to students beginning on August 15th.
Registration hours are as follows:
Monday, August 6th 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 7th Noon – 6:30 p.m. (6th & 7th Grade Orientation – Cafeteria at 6:30 PM)
Wednesday, August 8th Noon – 8:00 p.m.
CENTURY CAREER CENTER CLASSES: Century Career Center classes located in Logansport will begin on August 8, 2018. Students attending Century Career Center’s classes prior to Caston’s official start date of August 15th will be transported to Logansport and are to meet at the front office doors by 12:00 noon to meet the bus. Following their courses at the Century Career Center, students are scheduled to arrive back at Caston at approximately 2:30 p.m.
FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT: This Act of 1974 restricts the release of some information about students and restricts the availability of student records. Only directory information may be made public. Directory information includes student names, parent names, addresses, telephone numbers, photographs, and videos not used in a disciplinary matter. If you do not want such information released, please request this by notifying the respective principals in writing. By Indiana statute, Armed Forces recruiting representatives are allowed access to directory information.
OPENING SCHEDULE: Monday, August 13th Teacher Work Days – Students do not
Tuesday, August 14th attend school either of these days
Wednesday, August 15th Student’s First Day of School
DELAYS or EARLY DISMISSALS: Should the Corporation find it necessary to delay school or dismiss early, the official radio stations for notification are: Rochester WROI 92.1, Logansport WSAL 102.3, or Logansport Hoosier Country 103.7. This information is also posted to Facebook, Twitter, & the school’s webpage. Additionally, the automated phone system will be activated; please make sure all contact information on file at the school is current at all times.
CASTON ADMINISTRATORS – CONTACTS: If you have any questions or need additional information about the start of school, please call Mr. Chuck Evans, High School Principal; Mrs. Katie Miller, Elementary Principal; or Mrs. Lucinda Douglass, Superintendent at (574) 598-8000.