The Fulton County Community Foundation has awarded the Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation a $10,000 grant to help purchase new library furniture and technology. On Monday, September 25, representatives from the Fulton County Community Foundation presented a check to administrators and library staff. The goal of the library project is to create a learning environment in the middle and high school libraries that takes students above and beyond their 21st Century skills. Students will have choices in engaged learning areas for two, three, four, or more other students; along with collaboration methods such as tech screens, white board, display boards, art stations, or just soft seating to read and discuss. TVHS and TVMS together have more than 1,100 students, staff and faculty members that will benefit from this project. The $10,000 grant from the Fulton County Community Foundation will help reach a $20,000 matching grant from the Dekko Foundation that will also fund this project. The library is planning fundraisers throughout the school year to also help reach this matching grant amount. Pictured inside the TVHS library from left to right are: Fulton County Community Foundation Vice President Evan Gottschalk, TVSC Superintendent Brett Boggs, TVMS Principal Scott Backus, TVHS Principal Chad Cripe, Librarian Andrea Michel, TVHS Assistant Principal Jon Hutton, and Librarian Cathy Rausch
SOURCE: News release from Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation