KOKOMO, Ind. – Ivy Tech Community College is hosting a 21st Century Scholars Day on the Kokomo Campus from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 4.
The event is designed as an opportunity for high school students in Indiana’s 21st Century Scholars Program to complete and log Scholar Success Program activities that are required for students to earn the 21st Century Scholarship, said Amy Parraga, north central regional outreach coordinator for the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, which oversees the program.
More than 1,750 high school students in the five counties served by Ivy Tech’s Kokomo Region (Cass, Fulton, Howard, Miami, and Tipton) are enrolled in Indiana’s 21st Century Scholars Program. The program is available to low-income Hoosiers who enroll as seventh- or eighth-graders and meet a series of academic and college prep requirements as they move through to high school graduation. Earning the 21st Century Scholarship provides students up to four years of undergraduate tuition at any participating public college or university in Indiana or a comparable amount to attend a private school.
The Scholar Success Program requirements range from taking a career interest assessment and getting workplace experience to estimating the costs of college and searching for scholarships. High school Scholars will have the opportunity to complete a number of these requirements at the March 4 event, including submitting a college application, visiting a college campus and submitting the FAFSA.
The day includes a tour of the newly renovated areas of Ivy Tech Kokomo’s main campus. Parents and guardians are encouraged to attend the parent session at 8:30 a.m. to learn more about opportunities for 21st Century Scholars and how to maintain scholarship eligibility as well as Ivy Tech’s accelerated degree program and transfer options. Seniors can also get assistance with completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), which students must submit by March 10 to qualify for state and federal financial aid.
Reservations may be made by email to aparraga@che.in.gov, including student’s name, grade and school; the names of parents or guardians also attending; and t-shirt size. The first 25 students to register will receive a t-shirt. Students whose parent or legal guardian attends the parent session will be eligible for a drawing to win a Samsung Galaxy tablet.
SOURCE: News release from Ivy Tech Community College Kokomo Region